Engagement Opportunities
All employees of ACEC Colorado member firms and sustaining companies are eligible to participate in ACEC Colorado Forums.
(Forum meetings are not scheduled in the months of June, July and August, unless otherwise noted.)
Special Note During Colorado Legislative Session (January-May): Time will be allocated on each forum’s agenda to discuss state bills affecting the members of that forum. The ACEC Colorado Governement Affiars Steering Committee makes these forum assignments/review requests at its weekly meeting during the session and ACEC Colorado staff sends bills to members of the forum in between regular meetings if a recommendation is needed from discipline/subject matter experts on any one or more forum. ACEC Colorado forum chairs are invited to be part of the ACEC Colorado Governement Affairs Steering Committee meetings to share bill recommendations from their forums. (Board liaisions to forums may serve as alternates in this capacity when chairs are not avaialable.)
ACEC Colorado Forum Descriptions
ACEC Colorado Forums
Addresses issues specifically affecting ACEC Colorado-members firms in the vertical design segment of the industry and supports those member firms with information, advocacy, and support.
TRANSPORTATION FORUM | Bimonthly 11:30 a.m., Third Wednesdays
Assists in establishing and communicating member relationships with transportation agencies, especially Colorado Department of Transportation, to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas. Also, participates in a quarterly meeting with CDOT and assists in developing the agenda for that meeting.
ENERGY FORUM | Monthly 11:30 a.m., Last Thursdays
Develops industry-wide consensus and leadership positions on issues related to energy production, energy alternatives, and climate change important to engineering firms operating both in horizontal and vertical markets; undertakes a proactive legislative and regulatory advocacy program; and communicates with member firms on the energy and climate change issues that affect their businesses.
WATER RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENT FORUM | Monthly 3 p.m., Second Thursdays
Facilitates the exchange of environmental and water resources information across multiple markets and project lifecycles. Provides a forum for communication of common/key issues among peers and regulatory and other government agencies, as well as holds liaison meetings with related agencies that include the Office of State Engineer, Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Mile High Flood District and Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment.
Receives regular legislative news and information on attending special meetings with ACEC Colorado Lobbying Team and Government Affairs Steering Committee during Colorado’s regular legislative session. NOTE: during the Colorado legislative session, every ACEC Colorado Forum meeting will include time on the agenda to discuss bills assigned to it by the ACEC Colorado GA Steering Committee for recommendations. Each forum is represented on the Government Affairs Steering Committee by its committee chair(s).
RISK MANAGEMENT FORUM | Meetings Start February 2025 | Monthly, 3 p.m., Second Mondays
A newly formed forum at the request of ACEC Colorado members to better meet their needs and interests. This forum’s inaugural year’s chair is Carl Munkel (Gresham Smith), who also serves as the chair of the ACEC National Risk Management Committee. The national committee’s purpose is “to assist member companies and others in understanding and managing risk and, on their behalf, to advocate changes in legislation and regulation to properly control or allocate risk.” The ACEC Colorado forum will follow this guiding purpose; learn more by listening to Munkel discuss the committee’s work on a past episode of Engineering Influence past podcast featuring Munkel discussing the committee. Click here to view the national committee’s current goals and a list of risk management resources resources.
IT/TECHNOLOGY FORUM | Meetings Restart February 2025
Taking from the ACEC National IT and Technology Committees’ purposes, this ACEC Colorado forum held its first meeting in Fall 2024. The forum will have a combined purpose of “raising awareness of the business impact of technology on member firms and advance the engineering industry” and “connecting IT professionals and firm leaders in an informal, roundtable setting so that these professionals can share best practices, discuss problems and solutions, and gain valuable insights into industry trends.”
ACEC Colorado Scholarship & Education Foundation
- Fundraising Committee
- Scholarship Review Committee
- Golf Tournament Planning Task Force
- Education & Workforce Development Outreach Committee: explores opportunities to engage with students from traditionally underrepresented populations in the consulting engineering field.
Agency Engagement, & Industry Committees
An industry collaboration with representatives from AIA Colorado, AGC Colorado, and ACEC Colorado that works to promote trust through collaboration and shared knowledge to create value for all. Each year A3LC hosts several educational, networking and collaborative events for contractors, architects, and engineers with an annually set schedule of topics.
Qualifications-Based Selection Colorado Coalition | Ad Hoc Meeting Basis
An industry coalition representing ACEC Colorado, AIA Colorado, NSPE Colorado, ASCE Colorado, PLS Colorado, and ASLA Colorado. Promotes education on federal and state QBS laws to agencies, other organizations, and its partnering organizations’ membership.
Political Action Committee (PAC)
Assists in raising and determining distribution of funds to political candidates for state office (CEPAC) and national office (ACEC National PAC).
- Consulting Engineering PAC (CEPAC)
- ACEC National PAC
Join ACEC Colorado Forums
After reviewing the many forums available to all employees of ACEC Colorado-member firms and sustainin member companies, please use the Interest Form linked below to indicate which you would like to be added to.
Join ACEC National Forums
ACEC National Forums provide employees of member firms with specific functional responsibilities an opportunity to network with peers.
Join ACEC National Coalitions
These practice-specific groups are designed help employees of member firms advocate, communicate and grow in a collaborative environment.